Do your beautiful hand-knit or crocheted shawls sit lonely on a closet shelf because you struggle with wearing and styling them? Check out my Tip Jar Tutorial on Transforming Shawl Shapes on my @Knicoleknits Under the Influence channel. Problem solved!
The origin story of my first “wrapover” is here: A Point-less Wrap

I’d love you hear all about your unwearable beautiful shawl stories!
Knit well,
I’ve been looking for you on Ravelery. Have you published a wrapover yet? I’m so curious to make one. I have the same issues as you.
Oppsie.. found ya, lol No need to reply.
OMG – I’m super glad I found you yesterday (by chance) on YouTube! An amazing chain of syncronistic events. I’m in southern Ontario, and in a knitting slump. A million projects on the go, none really inspiring me at the moment but I want to knit. I found your video on Sequence Knitting, and that brought to mind I had ‘met’ this idea during a season of Knit Stars. Celia is amazing!! Then, when you mentioned MDK, I also recalled I had a couple of booklets downloaded. One of them was the Marled one. I quickly breezed through this and found a new purpose for my mini skeins and scrap sock yarn with the Colour Explosion Throw. I eagerly cast on and had to force myself to go to bed. Up early this morning, and knitting away, and watching another of your videos on Mosaic, when an intro to your rectangle from triangle shawl changes came up. I have to tell you sister, the struggle with triangles is so real with me as well. I can’t really wear wool if it’s touching my neck, but I keep knitting triangles. I made the NightShift, but absolutely hated the shape and to be honest, I think it was the worst shaped shawl ever. Too heavy too short, roll it up in a ball shawl! I gave it to my daughter and I doubt she’s ever worn it. But I LOVE the Nightshift pattern, and today, thank you, I have a plan for a Nightshift rectangle to be sewn together as you do for your poncho, or capelet, or whatever you called it (as I now can’t remember).
Goodbye knitting slump! Thanks Nicole – life changing, seriously! Lesley
Yay! I’m so happy to have been able to help with that dastardly slump!
Have fun knitting the Nightshift – it’s such an enjoyable knit 😀
Hi Nicole,
When you are going to see your rectangle to make a wrap-over, do you just fold one edge down on the end edge? Any instructions on this?
Nicole, I thought you said there was an information sheet for modified wrap shawls. Want to do the Artus and several others and am still clueless after watching your podcast on this. Can you help? Love the idea of not having to always mess with shawls fall off. Thanks so very much.
Hi there!
If you send me your email address through direct messages on Ravelry, I’ll be happy to send you the modification sheet for Artus.
Cheers, Nicole
Help please. Looking forward to trying to take shawls from floppy wrap arounds to almost ponchos. Saw a video on this but still do not get the drift of the process. I think you mentioned a sheet that would be alvailable for this. Would love to receive it. Trying to do Artus shawl and several others and you unique idea shows off the colorwork and patterns. Thank you for any assistance.
Hello Sharon!
First, I’m so sorry for my slow reply, but I’m glad I’m here now 🙂
I have a series of videos now on how to re-work shawls. Here’s the link to the playlist: Knicoleknits Most Wearable Shawl Series playlist
As for the sheet specific to the Artus, if you send me your email address through Ravelry messages, I will send you that sheet.
Cheers, Nicole
I recently discovered your channel, and i love your insightful friendly content! i love shawls, but wearing them can be a challenge. One of my favorites was knit as a rectangle and the objective was to make a sort of “sleeve” on one arm and drape the other side over the shoulder. i knew that would never stay without a shawl pin, so i tried sewing the long ends together leaving room for the head and it hangs in a point front and back. It’s my most used wearable knit, and i always get compliments. this method will work well, but you have to make sure the length is right.
That pattern sounds really interesting! Can you tell me the name?
Cheers, Nicole
Good morning!!
I recently came across your channel and I am enjoying your videos. They are so helpful! The one on shawls really resonated with me as I don’t know how to wear them either. Is there a pattern or worksheet available to change the Nightshift shawl into a rectangle?
Thanks, Jackie