Well, I did it. I did something I said I would never do…knit for money.
I’m not even sure why I agreed to do it. I like the person who asked me, but that’s not why. I’ve said no to lots of people I like – people I love, even. Maybe it was all the flattery. I’ll admit it: I’m a sucker for flattery. But I really don’t think that’s it either. I think the real catalyst was my success with the knitting for cause I did last year.
You can read the long story by clicking on the link up there, but the short story is that late last winter, I auctioned off my knitting services, with the proceeds going to a good cause. And even though I didn’t make a penny, the process of making special things, with special specifications, for special people, was really really really rewarding.
I posted about the accessory lot here: Knitting for Cause – The Results Show , but I never did get around to the big reveal – the sweater lot.

I honestly don’t know who was happier with the outcome, this beauty’s owner or me. It was a lot of work getting it exactly right, but I think it’s about as exactly right as it could be. Sorting out two colors for a single-color pattern was a challenge, but after a bit of trial and error, I think I rocked it.
Now, the commissioned project I just completed was not even remotely challenging. It was a simple rectangle-based shrug made up of endlessendlessendless miles and miles and miles of tedious stockingette.

Can you see where it ends? No, you can’t. I knit it as fast I could, just to get it over with. Here’s the Ravelry link to the pattern, if you’re interested in seeing the project, but trust me, although it’s super wearable, it’s a total snore fest: Stocking Stitch Shrug
I haven’t delivered the finished project to the commissionee yet, but this is exactly what she said she wanted, so let’s hope that’s true. Otherwise, this may be the end of my mercenary knitting career.
I hope you’re all at least knitting something interesting…if not something exactly right.